Initial Practical Examination

EMT & EMR Five Station Practical Examination for Connecticut and NREMT Certification


Intended Audience

Testing Candidates must have completed a state approved EMT certification course within the past 24 months or be in the process of recertification or reinstatement of a lapsed state or NREMT certification.

Stations Tested

Course Topics

Stations Tested are Medical Assessment, Trauma Assessment, Airway, CPR/AED, and Random (long bone immobilization, joint immobilization, or bleeding control).

Exam Results


OEMS sends exam results to the EMS Instructor on file for each candidate.  A candidate who is unsuccessful with one station may review and retest that station with their instructor.  A candidate who is unsuccessful with 2 stations will retest those stations at a future exam.  A candidate who is unsuccessful with 3 or more stations must repeat the entire exam.

Exam Registration

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