woman completing beacon cpr course

BEACON by Code One

Efficient and Validated CPR Training in Your Neighborhood

BEACON by Code One

Courses powered by the American Heart Association and RQI 1Stop®

BEACON courses allow you to leverage online learning and flexible, in-person skills assessment to get certified on your own schedule. The unique course system makes use of top-quality AHA online education and RQI 1Stop® technology. Your time is valuable, and BEACON ensures that you can spend it efficiently while keeping to your own schedule.

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Healthcare Provider Bundler

Register for online course
Complete online course
Schedule skills assessment
Complete skills assessment at a Code One Location
Receive your certification

Are you a healthcare provider and know which courses you need? Select one or more to bundle here!

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How Does BEACON Work?

BEACON is Code One’s flagship line of hybrid American Heart Association courses. Participants complete the Online Heartcode BLS, ACLS, or PALS courses at home and then come to a Code One Training Center for an independent skills verification on the innovative RQI 1Stop® platform. The updated 2020 Heartcode online courses adapt to your current knowledge level so the length of the course is completely customized to you.

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What is BEACON?

BEACON is American Heart Association hybrid training designed to help you BE A CONfident rescuer. Learners complete a portion of their selected course(s) – Heartcode – online and then come to our center for an individual skills appointment. Appointments are offered at most locations Monday through Saturday between 8am and 8pm so it’s easy to find a convenient time to come in.

Is BEACON approved by the American Heart Association (AHA)?

Yes.  The BEACON program is an approved American Heart Association program that results in a two year AHA certificate upon successful completion. Available certifications include BLS Provider, ACLS Provider, PALS Provider, and Heartsaver courses.

When are BEACON Skills Appointments offered?

Code One has over 50 locations which offer Skills Sessions by appointment.  While the exact hours of operation vary by location, most Code One Training Centers accept appointments Monday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. See our list of locations here.

Do I need to complete the Heartcode course before scheduling a Skills Session?

Yes.  We require that the relevant Heartcode course(s) be completed before you schedule the Skills Session to ensure that you have the coursework done and are ready for your session.

What’s the difference between BEACON Complete and BEACON Skills Only?

A BEACON Complete Package includes the required Heartcode Online course plus a Hands-On Skills Verification appointment at Code One for the chosen course(s).  These are the courses that most learners require.


BEACON Skills Only is ONLY for learners who have already completed the American Heart Association Heartcode  course for their chosen certification(s) and have their certificate dated in the past year.


BOTH the Heartcode and the skills session are needed to satisfy certification even if you are renewing your certificate.

What is Heartcode?

HeartCode is the American Heart Association’s blended learning option for BLS, PALS, and ACLS courses.  The Heartcode courses are adaptive and will adjust content based on the prior knowledge of the learner.


Blended learning is a combination of eLearning, in which a learner completes part of the course in a self-directed manner, and a hands-on skills session.  In order to meet BEACON certificate requirements, learners are required to complete both the Heartcode course and the hands-on skills session for their chosen certification(s).

What does the Virtual Instructor Guided Skills session look like?

Learners arrive for their scheduled appointment to a Code One Training Center location and check-in using the instructions in their confirmation email. Our system will confirm your appointment and call you with a door code so you may enter the skills training room. You will be in a private room with your virtually connected 1:1 BEACON instructor on the TV screen who will guide and support you through your hands-on skills session. Watch a video of Youtuber Nurse Katherine going through her BEACON BLS Instructor Guided Skills Session.


Watch a video of Youtuber Nurse Katherine going through her BEACON BLS Skills Session to get an idea.

What does a Self-Guided Skills session look like?

The BEACON Self-Guided Skills option is available to users who are familiar with the RQI equipment and are comfortable with technology. During your hands-on CPR skills session you will have the opportunity to independently perform skills on the high-tech RQI manikin. Our team will virtually supervise and will be available to assist if needed, but you will have your session without ongoing assistance from an instructor.


If you have never used the RQI platform before, we recommend that you schedule the Virtual Instructor Guided skills session.


Both formats will be available in your scheduling module on your Moodle account after you have registered and completed the appropriate Heartcode course (or uploaded your certificate if doing Skills Only).

Can I complete my BLS, ACLS, and PALS training at the same skills session?

Yes.  Code One’s Healthcare Provider Bundle Package allows you to complete the online portion of the Heartcode BLS, ACLS, and PALS programs and then come in for a single skills appointment to cover skills for all three courses.

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