CPR Resource Center
The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
Code One’s July Accelerated EMT program – our third cohort this summer – has completed their training and will be testing for state and National Registry certifications. Congratulations to this group on five fast-paced weeks of full time training and best of luck to them in their EMS careers ahead of them!
Code One’s next EMT program starts in just a few weeks. The Fall 2023 EMT Evenings course in East Hartford, CT begins Oct 2, 2023 and runs through Dec 28, 2023. Class meets Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Participants can find more information and register at https://code1web.com/emt
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