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Do I need an AED for my home?

Access to life saving equipment is critical in emergency situations such as cardiac arrests. There is a common misconception that most cardiac arrest situations occur within the hospital. When in reality, that isn’t the case at all. The American Heart Association states that more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of the hospital each year.

About 70 percent of out of hospital cardiac arrests occur in homes or residences. For every minute a victim is in cardiac arrest and does not receive a defibrillation from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), their chance of survival decreases by 7- 10 percent. AEDs can usually be found in settings such as hospitals or clinics, ambulances, shopping malls, office buildings, gyms, airplanes, and many other public places.

Those who are at a higher risk for cardiac arrest can greatly benefit from having an AED within their home. Like any piece of equipment, it is only as effective as the person utilizing it. It is very important that someone in the home, other than the person at risk,  be competent and confident in deploying the AED in an emergency. Many patients may have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator but it is not uncommon for these devices to malfunction after years of use.

If you choose to get an AED for your home here are some important things to note:

  • Buy an AED approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Register your AED with the manufacturer to receive safety alters and recalls.
  • Store it in an accessible place where friends and visitors know where to find it.
  • Perform routine battery checks and AED pad expiration date checks.
  • Enroll in a CPR course to learn how to use the device.

If you are considering purchasing an AED for your home, please speak with your doctor to see if this is appropriate for your situation. Next, get the AED that is best suited for you and your situation. Some AEDs may be intended for hospital use or emergency medical services and could cost thousands.

Our AED Team here at Code One Training Solutions have decades of experience and are readily available to answer any questions you may have.  For more information, please visit our website at https://aedteam.com/



Philips Heartstart OnSite AED – Only AED in the US that doesn’t require a prescription

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