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eCards for Training Sites Start August 24, 2015

Code One will be implementing eCards for all Training Sites beginning Monday, August 24 for all BLS (HCP, HCP-R, Skills) and select Heartsaver (FA, CPR, FA CPR, Skills) courses.  Heartsaver Pediatric does not have an ecard so a paper card will be issued as we currently do.

The eCard is the new AHA equivalency to the AHA paper card.  The eCards are sent via email to your students the  business day after  we receive your roster – it may even be same day if your roster is submitted early enough.  The eCards feature a security code that can be validated by the student’s school and employer.

When cards are issued, your invoice will be sent with a PDF file containing the card numbers for each student.  The same PDF file will be uploaded to your class in enrollware.  You can check the status and print an eCard by going to https://www.heart.org/cpr/mycards – the student will need to claim their card by following the instructions in the email.  If they have not claimed their card, the eCard number will show up as invalid until they do so.

I’ve included supportive documentation for the eCards in case any of your students have questions – please see the AHA eCard Memo and the eCard FAQ page for more information.

Here are a few important notes:

  • Please make sure that you enter a valid email for each participant in enrollware.  This is where eCards will be emailed!
  • eCards are issued for each student.  If a student, for some reason needs a paper card in addition to their eCard, they can order a paper card at www.code1web.com/cards for $10.  The card will be mailed to the student directly.  Students should follow this same link to replace a lost paper card from a previous class – this is the only way to request a copy of a card – we are no longer carrying paper cards in inventory so they need to be ordered.
  • Make sure that your account invoices are paid on time.  We will not issue cards to delinquent instructor accounts containing any invoice past its due date.  A delinquent account will result in a delay in cards being distributed to students until your account is up to date.  Accounts that routinely go delinquent will require payment up front for cards to be issued so please keep up with it – I’ve had to chase down a lot of instructors in recent months.  If you aren’t receiving emailed invoices or are unsure if you have a balance due, please let me know so I can check for you.
  • Students complete an evaluation when they claim their eCard.  This will eventually take the place of the ones we require for each student but AHA has not added the reporting feature to it as of yet so continue to use paper evals.  The questions on the evaluation include whether the student received a book for their class and how many students were in their class – please be sure that you are following all AHA requirements.  This survey goes directly to AHA, not to us.
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