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Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest - June 28, 2024

Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is an assortment of current events and news related to emergency cardiac care and resuscitation. Produced by Code One Training Solutions, Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is published every Friday throughout the year.

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community…Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.

Cesar Chavez

First responders who ‘didn’t give up’ saved a Dillon man’s life. Now he’s CPR certified himself

The American Red Cross awarded Summit Fire & EMS and the Dillon Police Department with a national award for the lifesaving rescue.
A year ago, Dillon resident Ed Perry’s heart stopped three times. Each time, first responders managed to revive it – saving his life against the odds.
As Ed’s wife, Anne Perry, tells it, Monday, June 19, 2023, was a day much like any other in Dillon. The sound of the town’s free summer concert series carried over the Dillon Reservoir to the Timberline Condominiums as they barbecued that evening.
“I pretty much thought I was invincible,” Ed said.

Read on: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/dillon-man-heart-attack-saved-three-times/

Interested in developing a cardiac arrest quality improvement program in your community?
This guide from the Citizen CPR Foundation may help!

Link: https://www.citizencprsummit.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Citizen-CPR-Foundation-HSC-Guide-FINAL.pdf

ENCORE: We Can Save More Victims Of Cardiac Arrest. The Answer Is In Our Hands

Arthur L. Kellermann- ER doctor, public health researcher and patient advocate.
Not All Communities Are Alike
Despite the vast commitment of manpower and resources, only ten percent of OHCA victims leave the hospital alive. However, this number masks striking differences in community rates of survival. Although some communities save far more than 10 percent, others save far less. Since the training, equipment, drugs, and even vehicles EMS crew members use are relatively standardized, what explains these striking differences?

Read in Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/arthurkellermann/2024/06/19/we-can-save-more-victims-of-cardiac-arrest-the-answer-is-in-our-hands/

Chatting with Greg Page, the original Yellow Wiggle | Shok Talk

Listen in on a conversation between Allison Shok. Rich Shok, RN, NRP, EMS-I and Greg Page about improving citizen awareness and response to sudden cardiac arrest.

ENCORE: Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning-Know the signs of drowning before getting out on the water this summer.

The captain jumped from the deck, fully dressed, and sprinted through the water. He was a former lifeguard, and he knew what to do: He headed straight for a couple swimming between their anchored sportfish and the beach.
“I think he thinks you’re drowning,” the husband told his wife. They had been splashing each other, and she had screamed, but now they were just standing on a sandbar.
“We’re fine. What is he doing?” she asked, annoyed.
“We’re fine!” the husband yelled, waving the captain off.
But he kept swimming. Hard.
“Move!” the captain barked as he sprinted between the couple. Directly behind them, not 10 feet away, their 9-year-old daughter was drowning.
How did this captain know—from 50 feet away—what the father couldn’t recognize from just 10 feet?

More: https://www.soundingsonline.com/news/drowning-doesnt-look-like-drowning

In-water resuscitation during a surf rescue: Time lost or breaths gained? A pilot study

A technique called in-water resuscitation (IWR) was devised on a surfboard to ventilate persons who seemingly did not breathe upon a water rescue. Despite IWR still raises uncertainties regarding its applicability, this technique is recommended by the International Liaison Committee for Resuscitation (ILCOR). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of IWR with a rescue board before and during towing and, to compare rescue times and rescue-associated fatigue levels between rescues with rescue breath attempts and without (SR).

More: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735675724000688

ENCORE: Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

In 10 percent of drownings, adults are nearby but have no idea the victim is dying. Here’s what to look for.

‘Everybody played a role’: Awards given to men who saved friend’s life in Vernon

Five men have been recognized for leaping into action and saving their friend’s life during a medical emergency in Vernon.
On January 24, 2023, David Hampton suffered cardiac arrest while playing drop-in hockey at Priest Valley Arena.
His teammates, recognizing he was in medical distress, lept into action by calling 911, administering CPR, and locating and using an automated external defibrillator (AED), to rouse him from unconsciousness before paramedics arrived on the scene.
Hampton lost consciousness again after answering some questions from paramedics, and was taken to Kelowna General Hospital where he received emergency coronary intervention.

Read on: https://vernonmatters.ca/2024/06/24/everybody-played-a-role-awards-given-to-men-who-saved-friends-life-in-vernon/

Evesham paramedic awarded for defibrillator installations

In response to the closure of Evesham’s community ambulance station in 2021, paramedic leads an initiative to install defibrillators throughout the town.
“I installed Evesham’s first defibrillator outside my home and since then it has snowballed.”
As a result of these efforts, the town now boasts 24 defibrillators, thanks to a team known as Evesham Defibrillators.

Story: https://www.eveshamjournal.co.uk/news/24407699.evesham-paramedic-awarded-defibrillator-installations/

George thanks NHS staff who saved his life after cardiac arrest at Cambridge half-marathon

A student who suffered a cardiac arrest while competing in the Cambridge half-marathon has returned to Royal Papworth Hospital to thank one of the NHS consultants who saved his life and later implanted a defibrillator to protect him from future sudden cardiac arrests.
George, an architecture student at Loughborough University, was close to the end of the 13.1 mile course in March when he collapsed suffering from a cardiac arrest.
Dr Greg Mellor, a consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist at Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, was one of three passing participants, all of whom were NHS employees, who stopped to perform life-saving CPR.

Read more: https://royalpapworth.nhs.uk/our-hospital/latest-news/george-thanks-nhs-staff-cardiac-arrest-cambridge-half-marathon

New AED technology offers more cardiac protection in Lee County

Lee County has introduced new automated external defibrillator technology this week that will be available at nearly 200 sites across the county.
The new AED technology was demonstrated recently by the county during the Summer of Safety event at Estero Community Park.
“In the past year, public safety has received 176 drowning and water related emergency calls,” said Ben Abes, Lee Emergency Services director. “We’ve responded to 1,764 cardiac arrest events, and in 926 of those events we have had dispatchers assist callers with providing CPR instructions.”

Entire story: https://health.wusf.usf.edu/health-news-florida/2024-06-23/new-aed-technology-offers-more-cardiac-protection-in-lee-county

Register for the AHA ECC National Training Network Conference

The American Heart Association will present the 2024 Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) National Training Network Conference, which will be held September 25-26, 2024, at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago.
The conference will feature a line-up of more than 20 peer-to-peer sessions and plenary presentations, as well as several ACLS, PALS, and BLS live demonstrations.
On September 24, they will have a pre-conference course and offer ACLS for Experienced Providers (ACLS EP).

More information and registration: https://cpr.heart.org/en/resources/ecc-conferences-and-events

AEDs coming to Martin County parks after pickleball player’s sudden death

Martin County Fire Rescue will oversee new devices
MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — After a tragedy last summer, there has been a push to bring lifesaving devices to parks in Martin County. Now, we’ve learned that automated external defibrillators (AEDs) will be in place in the coming weeks.
What happened on the pickleball courts at Halpatiokee Park in Stuart last July shook Candace Cooney.
“Unfortunately he passed away right here on the courts in front of 50 other pickleball players,” said Cooney.
She was there when 56-year-old Sam Hopkins collapsed.
Players called an ambulance and rushed to perform CPR but Hopkins died.

Source: https://www.wptv.com/news/treasure-coast/region-martin-county/aeds-coming-to-martin-county-parks-after-pickleball-players-sudden-death

Spotlighting: Citizen CPR Foundation

The Citizen CPR Foundation (CCPRF) was founded in 1987. Since its inception, CCPRF has sought to “strengthen the Chain of Survival,” a metaphor used to define the “series of actions” that improves the chance of survival for thousands of victims of sudden cardiac arrest.Thier mission is to save lives from sudden cardiac arrest by stimulating effective community, professional and citizen action though their HEARTSafe Community program.

More: https://citizencpr.org/

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