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The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is an assortment of current events and news related to emergency cardiac care and resuscitation. Produced by Code One Training Solutions, Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is published every Friday throughout the year.
Heroes never die. They live on in the hearts and minds of those who would follow in their footsteps.
Emily Potter
“I hear Karen, and I’m like, what? They’re like Karen, he’s down,” she told 12 On Your Side.
At this moment, Kent realized Latimer was in cardiac arrest.
“I just went running over to the court and he was laying on the court, he was breathing erratically,” said Kent. “Within a second, he stopped breathing.”
The local nurse started performing CPR on Latimer while other players ran to get the AED, saving his life on the court.
Video story: https://www.12onyourside.com/2024/05/15/pickleball-angels-players-save-man-who-went-into-cardiac-arrest/
With National CPR and AED Awareness Week just around the corner, these resources may be helpful in developing an engagement strategy in your community.
From the Citizen CPR Foundation and the Resuscitation Academy, a Community CPR Toolkit: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f74bfd9d36c8e051d674096/t/6182d91703f65b7783ee24ea/1635965211656/RA_CommunityCPR921_toolkit_4.pdf
A webcast, courtesy of Duke, the Resuscitation Academy and the Citizen CPR Foundation: https://youtu.be/kfZrxRvdeCs?si=8ndrKoawZ-dUltx5
American Heart Association resources: https://cpr.heart.org/en/training-programs/cpr-and-aed-awareness/cpr-and-aed-awareness-week
Good Samaritans started singing while giving chest compressions to an Arizona cyclist who collapsed. The rescuers were jamming to the Bee Gees’ hit song “Stayin’ Alive.” First responders say it has the perfect beat to follow when giving chest compressions. One rescuer happened to be a nurse who was hiking on the trail when the cyclist suffered his medical emergency. Inside Edition’s Megan Alexander has more.
Watch it! https://youtu.be/3F0AYuDZ7Y4?si=yBSb_lqCHyflHhSA
American Heart Association grassroots advocates meet with lawmakers to support HEARTS Act, Access to AEDs Act
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 20, 2024 — Cardiac arrest survivors, families who have lost a loved one to cardiac arrest, health care providers and other grassroots advocates from across the country will be in Washington, D.C. this week to ask their elected representatives to join the growing bipartisan support for policies that help ensure students, staff and visitors in schools are prepared to respond to a cardiac emergency.
The advocates are part of You’re the Cure™, the national grassroots network of the American Heart Association, which is celebrating 100 years of lifesaving service as the world’s leading voluntary organization focused on heart and brain health. Advocates will be meeting with federal lawmakers to discuss lifesaving legislation including the Cardiomyopathy, Health Education, Awareness, Research and Training in Schools Act, or HEARTS Act, and the Access to AEDs Act.
American Heart Association applauds T-CPR training requirements for 9-1-1 operators
COLUMBIA, S.C. (May 21, 2024) – The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all, applauds the legislation on passage of a South Carolina policy known as Telecommunicator CPR (T-CPR). Governor McMaster officially signed the bill on May 20, 2024, requiring all South Carolina 9-1-1 operators to be trained in T-CPR and be able to provide detailed instructions over the phone to someone aiding a victim during an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
During cardiac arrest – the unexpected loss of heart function – only about 1 in 10 victims survive. Successful resuscitation of victims requires an immediate response to improve their chance of survival. Telecommunicators, including emergency dispatchers and 9-1-1 operators, can be lifesaving coaches when seconds matter.
“This T-CPR training requirement for telecommunicators will make an impact on the survival rate of people experiencing cardiac arrests and minimize the negative neurological outcomes,” said Dr. Bear Coney, cardiologist with the Medical University of South Carolina, Columbia, and board member of the American Heart Association, Midlands. “This is an important step in improving the cardiovascular health of all South Carolinians.”
Source: https://newsroom.heart.org/local-news/south-carolina-passes-telecommunicator-cpr-policy
This cohort study included pediatric patients aged younger than 18 years with EMS-treated OHCA between December 1, 2005 and June 30, 2015. Data were collected from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Epidemiologic Registry, a prospective 10-site OHCA registry in the US and Canada. Data analysis was performed from May 2022 to February 2024. The study objective was to evaluate the association between intra-arrest transport compared with continued on-scene CPR and survival after pediatric OHCA, and to determine whether this association differs based on the timing of intra-arrest transport.
Full access: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2818861
Monday, May 20, 2024 — When cardiac arrest strikes, seconds and minutes can be the difference between survival and death.
Friday, the Des Moines Fire Department gathered for its annual awards ceremony and honored bystanders, dispatchers, police officers, fire and EMS personnel who formed the chain of survival for 30 cardiac arrest survivors in 2023.
“It was an honor to look back and celebrate a year of amazing accomplishments,“ Des Moines Fire Department Chief John TeKippe said. “The Des Moines Fire Department responded to over 33,000 calls last year, and nights like tonight are important to celebrate some of the many ways our firefighters, paramedics and EMTs made a difference on those calls and in our community.”
Source: https://www.dsm.city/news_detail_T2_R853.php
Carle Illinois Medicine students are working to train community members to save lives in the case of an emergency. They have partnered with the American Heart Association to distribute cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training kits in the Urbana-Champaign community. The students will also be helping train community members later this month.
“This opportunity is a way for our medical students to contribute to help community members in a hands-on learning opportunity where they use their medical training,” Deb Young, PharmD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development said.
Source: https://medicine.illinois.edu/news/67000
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – On Tuesday, Gov. Bill Lee will publicly sign into law an effort to protect young athletes in cardiac emergencies.
The Smart Heart Act is a measure that requires all Tennessee public and private schools to have an automated external defibrillator (AED) accessible within three minutes of all athletic facilities. The legislation also mandates that all coaches, whether the coach is employed or a volunteer, and school athletic directors go through training in AED, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and first aid. In addition, all 9-12 schools must establish and rehearse an athletics emergency action plan (AEAP).
ELMHURST, Ill. (WLS) — York High School coach Nicholas Karavolos saved student-athlete Chloe Peot’s life by performing CPR on her when she collapsed at a track meet in April.
Peot would likely have been a state qualifier in the triple jump, but she never got the chance. In fact, but for Karavolos’ quick action, she might not be here at all.
“I don’t remember warming up or taking any of my jumps,” she said.
Peot suffered a sudden cardiac arrest after finishing her last triple jump at a meet in April. She collapsed and barely had a pulse when Coach Karavolos sprang into action, putting his CPR training to good use.
“Someone said the word CPR and that’s when it clicked in. OK, we need to do this now,” he said.
Story: https://abc7chicago.com/post/york-high-school-track-coach-nicholas-karavolos-cpr/14849158/
Desert Arc is making some huge advances in medical technology.
This includes the purchase of 63 automated external defibrillators, or AED’s.
This new technology will help serve over 700 individuals, many with disabilities, from life-threatening cardiac episodes.
And they can be used by virtually everyone, all for the purpose of saving more lives.
Video story: https://nbcpalmsprings.com/2024/05/20/desert-arc-to-stock-vehicles-with-aeds/
Madison is named a ‘Heart Safe Community’ by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC). This prestigious national award is bestowed upon only two fire departments in the United States by the IAFC and the PulsePoint Foundation for their work in improving cardiac arrest survival rates in their community, among other innovations. The Madison Fire Department won in the “large community” category.
At the 2024 IAFC national conference, the IAFC and PulsePoint Foundation recognized the Madison Fire Department for its exceptional work in improving outcomes for patients who experience sudden cardiac arrest. The Madison Fire Department was credited for its innovative approach to community education surrounding CPR, proper AED usage, and public CPR/AED awareness campaigns via social media and other online platforms.
Quick action and repeated training can help someone in medical distress. And with a little help from technology, they can save a life.
That’s not just a generalization. At Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, an automated external defibrillator (AED) and a quick-thinking crew helped save a young man’s life on a job site.
Devin Collins was a 19-year-old groundman at the co-op. He was part of a construction crew working on a job site, and when a power line fell on his truck, the current disrupted his heart’s rhythm.
Two co-workers grabbed an AED, made by the Zoll company and bought from Birmingham-based GoRescue, and immediately began CPR. Another co-worker made the call for emergency responders and met them at the street to lead them back to the accident site.
For Collins, it was a lifesaver, and his doctor cleared him to return to work in a week.
“God had his hand on everybody that day,” says Vince Johnson, general manager of Southern Pine.
After Collins recovered and the staff talked about the incident, Johnson worked with safety manager Danny Taylor to come up with a plan to ask the board of trustees to purchase an AED for every co-op vehicle – even the forklift – as well as for multiple AEDs in the office. “That gives our employees, whether they’re helping the general public or helping each other, a better opportunity to have one of those available, no matter where they are or what they’re doing.”
Entire story: https://alabamanewscenter.com/2024/05/21/alabama-electric-workers-discover-aeds-can-turn-bystanders-into-lifesavers/
NEW YORK, May 22 (UPI) — While heroic bystanders have given first aid that saved someone’s life, only half of U.S. residents over age 18 are trained to perform CPR or stop serious bleeding, a new study has found.
The results also revealed that only 56% of respondents reported being capable of stopping a person from choking.
Results of the study, which was conducted on behalf of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus by SSRS on its Opinion Panel Omnibus platform, were released Wednesday.
Data collection was conducted via the web and telephone from April 5 to 7 among a sample of 1,005 respondents, the university said.
Learn more: https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2024/05/22/perform-cpr-stop-bleeding-study/9531716325087/
Watch: https://youtu.be/_phTlbnu3Y0?si=pz78m2jP2EMkszEN
The National EMS Memorial Foundation’s mission is to honor the heroism, courage, and enduring sacrifice of all past, present, and future EMS Providers and to remember and celebrate the lives of those killed in the line of duty.
Learn more here: https://www.emsmemorial.org/about
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