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Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest - Nov 17, 2023

Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is an assortment of current events and news related to emergency cardiac care and resuscitation. Produced by Code One Training Solutions, Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is published every Friday throughout the year.

The experience of helping a fellow man in danger, or even of training in a realistic manner to be ready to give this help, tends to change the balance of power in a youth’s inner life with the result that compassion can become the master motive.

Kurt Hahn

Kurt Hahn was a German educator and a key figure in the development of experiential education. To this day his philosophies have far-reaching international influence that has stood the test of time. Hahn believed that students could only really understand life by experiencing it in many exciting and challenging ways. By testing themselves, students would be able to develop their courage, generosity, imagination, principles and resolution. Ultimately, they would develop the skills and abilities to become the guardians and leaders of the future. He also believed that the greatest thing one could learn – and inspire in others – was compassion.

Heart Heroes Recruit Rio Hondo for CPR Techniques

Earlier this month, Heart Heroes of Los Angeles County Center came to the Rio Hondo College. Their purpose, to demonstrate CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation techniques. So that students can increase the chances of saving someone’s life.

Heart Heroes is an organizational campaign for the Department of Public Health in the County of LA. This campaign’s initiative is to train over 500,000 LA county residents, medical workers, and common individuals by the end of Dec. 31, 2023.

Read more: https://elpaisanoonline.com/news/2023/11/15/heart-heroes-recruit-rio-hondo-for-cpr-techniques/

Teacher Deborah Hurdle whose son George’s life was saved by CPR teaches the procedure to pupils at Ballard School

CHILDREN at Ballard school have been taught how to perform CPR with the help of a teacher whose son’s life was saved by the procedure last year.
Deborah Hurdle’s teenage son George collapsed with an undiagnosed heart condition following a night out with friends in Leeds.
His cousin Patrick Murphy and friend Josh Peppiatt leapt into action after George, who was 18 at the time and from Barton, collapsed on a sofa.

Read or listen here: https://www.advertiserandtimes.co.uk/news/pupils-learn-cpr-from-teacher-whose-son-was-resuscitated-9340241/

ILCOR SUMMARY STATEMENT 2023 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces

This is the seventh in a series of annual International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resusci-tation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR) summary pub-lications summarizing the ILCOR task forces’ analyses of published resuscitation evidence since ILCOR began the more continuous process of evidence evaluation in 2015. Including work from the 6 task forces, this year’s review encompasses 90 topics reviewed in some capac-ity, including 25 systematic reviews (SysRevs). Although only SysRevs can generate a full CoSTR and new treat-ment recommendations, many other topics were evalu-ated with more streamlined processes.

Full access: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/epdf/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001179

Ambulance Victoria Releases 5 Year Cardiac Arrest Improvement Strategy

To improve cardiac arrest survival, Ambulance Victoria has identified priority areas and initiatives to drive improvements in system performance and patient care.
Ambulance Victoria serves as an excellent role model for others.

You can access their impressive 5 year plan here: https://www.ambulance.vic.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/CAIS%202023-2028.pdf


Every law enforcement vehicle in LaPorte County now has a life-saving automatic external defibrillator (AED) in it thanks to a successful partnership between three collaborating organizations.

Representatives from Bolt for the Heart, Franciscan Health Michigan City and the Play for Jake Foundation gathered in La Porte Tuesday to present 26 AEDs to seven law enforcement agencies to be placed in their squad cars. The AEDs were purchased with funds generated by the Bolt for the Heart walk/run Oct. 14 in La Porte, sponsored by Franciscan Health Michigan City.

Read more: https://valpo.life/article/aeds-now-in-every-laporte-county-squad-thanks-to-partnership/

From the CCPRF Video Vault: First Responder Defibrillation–When the Rescuer Becomes the Rescued-The Rescue of Police Chief Buck

Join David Hiltz and Sarah Lamb, NRP from Richmond Rescue for a multiple dash-cam video compilation capturing every second when the chief of Richmond Police went into cardiac arrest in the middle of a high-speed pursuit, complete from the moment of cardiac arrest through the initiation of CPR, deployment of his own AED by fellow officers and the use of high-performance CPR by a small-town EMS agency. This video provides a powerful and raw view into an unfolding cardiac arrest, highlighting the team efforts necessary for a positive outcome.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/ikw1bhljORs?si=CHseqLD5uiibPG5X

University of Washington to launch comprehensive study on effective CPR techniques

Wash. — Leaders at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine are preparing to kick off a three year study to find out how to most successfully administer CPR.
Dr. Tom Rea, Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine & Medical Director of King County Emergency Medical Services, says. “The FACT Study is a King County project that’s designed to improve outcomes for persons who suffer out of hospital cardiac arrest. The study will evaluate CPR, including how we do chest compressions, and how we do rescue breathing. The study will evaluate approved therapies. What we want to know is which of these approved therapies works best for patients in cardiac arrest.”

Source: https://keprtv.com/news/local/university-of-washington-to-launch-comprehensive-study-on-effective-cpr-techniques

Don’t Ignore the Signs of a “Holiday” Heart Attack-Learn Early Heart Attack Care (FREE course from the ACC)

Along with the holidays comes a rise in heart attacks.

Heart attacks are “plumbing” issues in the heart in which one or more blood vessels, called coronary arteries, become blocked, typically by a clot, and it results in a loss of vital blood flow to the heart muscle. If the blockage is not cleared, the heart muscle will start to die and, in some cases, the heart will stop beating and result in cardiac arrest and death.
In fact, 1 million Americans will have a heart attack each year and result in nearly 500,000 deaths, half of which will occur before the victim even reaches a hospital.

Read on an take the EHAC course: https://code1web.com/learning-center/dont-ignore-the-signs-of-a-heart-attack/

ACT FAST! The Citizen CPR Foundation Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit registration ends Sun., Nov. 19!

A future of improved outcomes is not predetermined and is not predictable. Be a persuader of positive change in the future, a future of improved outcomes.
For resuscitation providers, educators, CPR instructors, trainers, survivors, advocates and more worldwide passionate about saving lives, CASSummit is the largest and only conference of its kind providing the opportunity to learn from the widest array of resuscitation experts on the latest science, education and implementation across the full chain of survival.

Here’s what’s happening:

  • A lineup of more than 225 speakers from the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Singapore and more!
  • 45+ concurrent sessions with 100+ presentations across four tracks, plus poster presentations and round-table discussions
  • Networking opportunities with experts in the field of resuscitation, in-hospital care, EMS, community education and training
  • Powerful and inclusive CPR Saves Lives Rally

Learn more and register: https://citizencpr.org/summit2023/

STUDY FINDS POOR VENTILATION USE DURING CPR FOR OUT-OF-HOSPITAL CARDIAC ARREST NIH-supported findings suggest improved techniques for rescue breathing could save more lives

November 13, 2023 – The ventilation technique, also known as rescue breathing, commonly used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for people with cardiac arrest is often performed poorly by professional emergency responders, and this ineffective strategy is linked to significantly worse patient survival rates, according to a study supported by the National Institutes of Health. Ventilation involves administering breaths to a patient to provide life-sustaining oxygen and inflate the lungs when they stop breathing or during cardiac arrest, when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood. Among the nearly 2,000 people in the study who received CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, those who were given a higher number of effective ventilations had survival rates three times greater than those who were given fewer ventilations.

Read on: https://southfloridahospitalnews.com/study-finds-poor-ventilation-use-during-cpr-for-out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest/

Video: Man Gives CPR To Father At Taj Mahal, Saves His Life

The man, who came with his family to see Taj, had a heart attack while inside the complex. His son immediately gave him CPR, which many recorded on their cellphones.
Some CPR is always better than no CPR.

Read more and watch the video: https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/video-man-gives-cpr-to-father-at-taj-mahal-saves-his-life-4576998

Cardiac Arrest Survival in Areas with Black and Hispanic Populations: A Pre Existing Issue with Proposed Solutions

A recent publication in JAMA Internal Medicine, titled “Cardiac Arrest Survival at Emergency Medical Service Agencies in Catchment Areas With Predominantly Black and Hispanic Populations” by Anezi I. Uzendu et al. (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2809097), has shed light on a concerning problem. The study reveals that risk-standardized survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) are notably lower for emergency medical service (EMS) agencies operating in areas primarily inhabited by Black and Hispanic populations compared to those in predominantly White communities.

Learn more: https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/emsworld/feature-story/cardiac-arrest-survival-areas-predominantly-black-and-hispanic

AED Placed Outdoors Saves a 3rd Life

We are pleased and proud to announce that we have worked hard to raise enough funds to buy, install and maintain a life saving defibrillator for the Old Town.
Our thanks go to the Priory Church for letting us install it outside the Church Rooms on Church Green, it is up and running and connected to The Circuit, so the Ambulance service know that it is available to use when they need it, and since it’s installation, it has already saved 3 lives.

Source: https://www.thisisthecoast.co.uk/news/local-news/new-bridlington-defibrillator-saves-three-lives/

Sudden cardiac arrest deaths declining in college athletes, new research shows Colleges increasingly require NCAA athletes to be screened with an exam that includes an electrocardiogram

Deaths due to cardiac arrest in college athletes have been steadily declining over the last 20 years, a new study finds.

An analysis of data from more than 2 million NCAA athletes revealed that 143 had died after a cardiac arrest that occurred while they were playing their sport and that there was wide variation in the risk of death after a sudden heart stoppage, depending on the player’s race, gender and sport, according to the research presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association .

“We don’t know why the rate of cardiac arrest deaths has been going down,” said study co-author Dr. Kimberly Harmon, a professor in the departments of family medicine and orthopedics and sports medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Read on: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/heart-health/cardiac-arrest-deaths-declining-college-athletes-study-shows-rcna124209

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