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The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is an assortment of current events and news related to emergency cardiac care and resuscitation. Produced by Code One Training Solutions, Emergency Cardiac Care News Digest is published every Friday throughout the year.
“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”
Hippocrates (460-377BC)
In this nationwide retrospective cohort study, researchers utilized reinforcement learning to develop models for individualized decision-making in on-scene resuscitation time to optimize the survival outcome for OHCA patients. Data-driven intermediate rewards derived from survival analysis methods were incorporated based on domain knowledge to handle the convergence issue of sparse rewards. Their findings indicate that the learned optimal policy is expected to increase the survival to hospital discharge rate from 9.6% to 12.5% and the good neurological recovery rate from 5.4% to 7.5%.
Learn more here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-024-01278-3
AEDs are critical to improving OHCA survival rates, but their availability and accessibility is likely to significantly impact their effectiveness. We conducted a scoping review to identify literature concerning the impact of additional security, specifically locked cabinets, on AED accessibility and effectiveness. We identified a paucity of research examining this issue, with most studies published as conference abstracts or letters to the Editor, and thus were not peer-reviewed and provided limited information on methods. The ten included studies examined a broad range of outcomes, including rates of theft and vandalism, harm to rescuers and accessibility. No study compared the impact of locked versus unlocked cabinets on patient outcomes, and none of the included studies mentioned that some AEDs may have been taken for use in emergencies and not returned.
See the entire study here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266652042400242X#b0065
Northern Health and Pacific Epping are supporting the global life-saving initiative Restart a Heart Day and Ambulance Victoria’s Shocktober campaign.
This month a Restart a Heart Day hub will be set up at Pacific Epping as part of Ambulance Victoria’s Shocktober campaign.
The hub will provide the public with hands-on training in CPR and AED use, offering a controlled, non-emergency setting for participants to develop these critical life-saving.
Source: https://northern.starweekly.com.au/news/partnership-to-promote-life-saving-cpr-and-aed-awareness/
These free, live-streamed events on October 16th and 17th will show participants how simple it is to save a life with the CALL, PUSH, SHOCK method.
Rally around a great cause – saving lives from sudden cardiac arrest. And anyone can be a hands-only hero – no training or certification required.
Learn more: https://www.heartofthenation.com.au/
OSF HealthCare announced a collaboration with PulsePoint AED to enhance community preparedness for cardiac emergencies in La Salle, Bureau, Marshall and Putnam counties.
Together, the organizations are launching a regional initiative to map and register the locations of automated external defibrillators in the region. This vital information will be shared with local dispatch centers to direct first responders and community members to AED locations in real time, making a significant difference in the outcomes of cardiac events.
New lifesaving AEDs (automated external defibrillator) for immediate installation into the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office patrol vehicles have been donated by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Benevolent Posse (SBCSBP).
“This is an exciting milestone on our way to supplying 70 new AED units, one for each patrol car in the entire county, to keep Santa Barbara County residents safe with lifesaving equipment,” said Sean Koffel, president of SBCSBP Board of Directors.
The Sheriff’s Office is adding plaques to each AED to honor the names of donors responsible for the purchase of that AED and the upgrade in the county’s lifesaving infrastructure. The donors will be informed each time their AED saves a life in the field.
Source: https://www.noozhawk.com/sheriffs-benevolent-posse-donates-lifesaving-defibrillators-aed/
October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month and we’re encouraging everyone to locate and register AEDs. By doing so you’re helping to build a network of life-saving devices that could mean the difference between life and death for someone suffering a cardiac arrest.
There are prizes for individuals and communities that register AEDs, so spread the word! We’ve created a bunch of pics, posts and other resources to make that easy!
More: https://www.pulsepoint.org/aedcontest
STILLWATER, Okla., Oct. 9, 2024 — Staff and volunteers for the American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary organization focused on heart and brain health for all, will give hands-only CPR training to the Oklahoma State University men’s basketball team during a special event Oct. 16 at Gallagher-Iba Arena.
The training coincides with global Restart a Heart Day and celebrates the team’s manager, DeShawn Caldwell, who survived a sudden cardiac in high school during basketball practice. Caldwell’s life was saved by the quick actions of his coaches who performed CPR. Since then, he has become a passionate advocate for CPR training and heart health awareness.
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a prevalent condition with high mortality and poor outcomes even in settings where extensive emergency care resources are available. Interventions to address OHCA have had limited success, with survival rates below 10% in national samples of high-income countries. In resource-limited settings, where scarcity requires careful priority setting, more data is needed to determine the optimal allocation of resources.
Review objective is to establish the cost-effectiveness of OHCA care and assess the affordability of interventions across income settings.
Full access: https://intjem.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12245-024-00727-w
A devoted Cambridge United fan who received life-saving treatment at a packed home match has today applauded a month-long initiative aimed at teaching the public CPR – officially called cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
David Ince, 67, from Haverhill spoke out as organizations across Cambridgeshire come together to teach skills to the public as part of a campaign called ‘Restart a Heart’ that starts tomorrow (Wed 9 Oct) and runs throughout this month.
David – a season ticket holder for 50 years – suffered a cardiac arrest during a game between Cambridge United and Rotherham United last Tuesday (1 Oct) watched by 5,085 people.
Source: https://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/news/survivor-david-backs-restart-heart-campaign
This retrospective cohort study analyzed nontraumatic public out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest cases in Taoyuan City from 2017 to 2021, using data from the Taoyuan Fire Department and a regional registry. AED data were collected for 1163 devices. A geographic information system mapped target locations within the city, and real‐world walking routes were examined to assess coverage. The primary outcome was actual coverage and the coverage efficiency ratio, calculated as the actual coverage divided by the number of facilities at a location. The coverage efficiency ratio compared the coverage efficiency of target locations with existing public access defibrillators (PADs). Top locations for superior coverage in both downtown and outside downtown areas were bus stops and convenience stores (7‐Eleven and FamilyMart), which outperformed existing PADs. Convenience stores had a higher coverage efficiency ratio than the public service sector. Bus stops showed high AED usage rates before ambulance arrival.
Full access: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.123.034045
FLORENCE, Ky. – The Christ Hospital Health Network and St. Elizabeth Healthcare are advancing Project Heart Restart into Northern Kentucky, aiming to equip first responders with automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to save lives during cardiac emergencies.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – With a half-million cardiac arrests each year, CPR increases the likelihood of surviving cardiac arrest or other emergencies. Central students were able to learn how to perform life-saving care themselves. On Monday morning, gym class looked a little different. The hardwood floors were lined with over 150 CPR mannequins, as 200 students learned how to perform hands-on CPR.
Source: https://www.wwlp.com/news/springfield-central-students-learn-how-to-perform-cpr/
Students have raised almost £3,000 at a charity event for the North West Air Ambulance Charity.
The 24-hour CPR marathon event, organised by the LJMU Paramedic Society, saw its 89 members plus other LJMU students and staff, practice lifesaving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for 24 hours in the Student Life Building. Over 144 people took part, raising almost £3,000.
Students taking part performed two minutes of CPR in rotation, as per best practice guidelines to avoid fatigue and ensure effective chest compressions.
More: https://www.birkenhead.news/students-take-part-in-24-hour-cpr-charity-event/
Benton Middle School, Benton Junior High School, and Benton High School are now officially recognized as Project ADAM Heart Safe Schools.
“It’s something that is so important. The more schools we can get on board with this, it just adds one more level of protection,” said Kelea Duke, Benton High School nurse. “It is incredible the level that everybody in Benton School District goes to. Everybody is looking out for these kids.”
Project ADAM was created to ensure schools have an established emergency plan in case of sudden cardiac arrest. Angie Grant Elementary was certified last year, prompting a representative from Arkansas Children’s Hospital to reach out and incorporate other schools in the district.
“It’s not something that is required, but why not set the bar high on our health and safety?” Duke said. “That way when the time comes, it’s muscle memory.”
Training kicked off with a mannequin, which was placed strategically on campus and discovered by a teacher. Duke said that she suggested it be placed closer to the gym for two reasons: one, it created less chance of student involvement or chaos, and two, the likelihood of a student athlete having cardiac issues is higher than other students.
WAUPACA, Wis. (WSAW) – A new collaborative initiative will place over a dozen Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in public locations throughout the Waupaca area.
The Rotary Club of Waupaca, the Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce, Gold Cross Ambulance Service, and the UW-Oshkosh School of Nursing have partnered to enhance community health and safety by installing 15 AEDs to increase coverage for potential cardiac arrest incidents, providing timely assistance to those in need.
The project will begin this month with UWO nursing students surveying the area to document the location of current AED units as well as areas of greatest need. Placement of the new AEDs and public education on the location of all units is expected to be completed by the spring of 2025.
Full story: https://www.wsaw.com/2024/10/07/aeds-be-placed-throughout-waupaca-through-new-public-health-initiative/
Stillwater High School Sophomore Keegan Hawke has one great comeback story.
On Sept. 24, Hawke went into cardiac arrest and collapsed during football practice.
“All I remember is him saying ‘coach, coach,’ then he’s right in front of me on the ground,” said Assistant Coach Matt Hemenway.
With no pulse and no time to spare, coaches and athletic trainers jumped into action with a critical piece of equipment and saved his life.
The registry will make it faster and easier for Ontarians to access lifesaving defibrillators in cardiac emergencies
TORONTO, Oct. 3, 2024 /CNW/ – Heart & Stroke commends the Ontario government for their leadership in creating heart safe communities by announcing the province’s first Automated External Defibrillator (AED) registry through the AED Foundation of Ontario. This positions Ontario as a leader in the evolution of comprehensive and coordinated heart health systems, with only a few other provinces having established a similar registry.
Source: https://www.tolerance.ca/en/newswire?rkey=20241003C6534&filter=21675
Community leaders and advocates gather for the dedication of a new life-saving AED, underscoring the importance of emergency preparedness and collaboration in Berkeley Heights.
BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ – A new Automated External Defibrillator (AED) was officially unveiled at Columbia Park on Tuesday, marking a significant step in enhancing the community’s emergency preparedness. Installed near the tennis and pickleball courts by the restrooms, the AED is designed to assist in the event of sudden cardiac arrest, potentially saving lives.
In attendance were Berkeley Heights Mayor Angie Devanney, Township Council members John Foster, Margaret Illis, Susan Poage, and Manny Couto, along with members of the Berkeley Heights Volunteer Rescue Squad, the Berkeley Heights Recreation Commission, and Jill A. Pall, Founder and President of The Aliver Foundation.
All seven constituent councils of ILCOR are supporting a global initiative to increase awareness about the importance of bystander CPR and to also increase actual bystander CPR rates worldwide.
Learn more: https://www.ilcor.org/wrah
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