CPR Resource Center
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BLS Provider Articles
Preparing to take your BEACON BLS Complete Course
Are you a healthcare professional or other category of personnel who needs to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in hospital and pre-hospital settings? If so, BEACON BLS is the right choice for you. BEACON is a great… Read More
Is BLS Provider Included In ACLS?
As with many things in medicine, it’s not a simple yes or no answer. While BLS Provider can be combined with ACLS into one class, it is not necessarily so. It may be best to separate the answer into two parts: 1. Why you do you need BLS… Read More
What are the class types for BLS Provider?
Did you know that Code One Training Solutions, LLC offers several certification options for the BLS (Basic Life Support) Provider Course? Our goal is to certify each customer in a way that is most comfortable for them. This certification is fit for those in a healthcare setting. All certifications are… Read More
How Many CME Hours Can I Get From An AHA Class?
What is a CME? CME stands for Continuing Medical Education and per the National Institute of Health, “CME refers to educational events that have been approved for CME credits”. The American Heart Association (AHA) is not an accrediting agency, rather, they authorize the use of their courses for continuing education… Read More
CPR Certification Guidance for Colleges and Universities during COVID-19
Each year Code One sees hundreds of healthcare students for BLS Provider (CPR) training as they prepare for entry into their clinical semesters. We additionally provide recertification training for senior students nearing graduation who need to renew their CPR certifications. With the COVID-19 pandemic leaving colleges and universities closed nationwide,… Read More
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