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Connecticut Summer Camps - First Aid, CPR, and Medication Administration Requirements

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow so that means spring and summer are just around the corner! For Connecticut Summer Camp Directors, this also means that planning is well under way for another safe and successful year for the thousands of children that will be attending camp in just a few months.

Connecticut’s Office of Early Childhood (OEC, https://www.ct.gov/oec) oversees licensing for Connecticut’s Child Care Programs and Youth Camps. Part of the licensing requirements include training in First Aid, CPR, and Medication Administration for youth camp staff.

We’ll outline the training requirements and will provide recommendations for outdoor AED deployment at your camp.

Connecticut Summer Camps First Aid and CPR Requirements

OEC requires that the Youth Camp assign a staff member to be the Director of First Aid. This position requires that the holder be at least 21 years of age, hold certification in first aid or be a healthcare professional such as nurse or EMT, and have current certification in CPR which covers the age groups of the youth camp. The certifications for the Director of First Aid are reviewed by OEC during the licensing application.

For residential camps having two hundred fifty or more campers or staff in residence, a Connecticut licensed registered nurse is required to be in charge of the heath care at the camp.

It is recommended that all camp staff receive training in CPR and First Aid.

The job description for the Director of First Aid is available on the OEC website.

Connecticut Summer Camps Medication Administration

If the Youth Camp plans to administer any medications (including over the counter medicine!) to its campers, they must have staff trained in proper medication administration.

The Medication Administration for Childcare Providers course presents the elements required to safely administer oral, topical, and inhaled medication. Participants also receive training on the emergency administration of an epinephrine autoinjector.

Training that Meets OEC Requirements:

Code One offers training that meets OEC requirements youth camps.

Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED: Covers first aid for common pediatric medical emergencies and injuries, CPR/AED for adult, child and infant. Meets OEC requirements for Youth Camps and child care providers. Courses are offered regularly as a live-virtual course followed by an individual skills appointment at any of Code One’s seven locations in Connecticut.

Register at: https://code1web.com/heartsaver-pediatric-first-aid-cpr-aed

BEACON Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED: Covers first aid for common medical emergencies and injuries, CPR/AED for adult, child and infant. Meets OEC requirements for Youth Camps. Course is offered through the American Heart Association’s hybrid program with a portion completed online followed by an individual skills appointment at any of Code One’s seven locations in Connecticut.

Register at: https://code1web.com/beacon-heartsaver-pediatric-first-aid-cpr-aed

Medication Administration for Childcare Providers: Meets OEC requirements for medications delivered by topical, oral, inhaled, or emergency injection (epinephrine auto-injector). This is a live-virtual course scheduled regularly: https://code1web.com/medication-administration

Robust AED Deployment for Youth Camps

Code One’s partner, AED TEAM, provides robust solutions for outdoor deployment of AEDs. Our solutions are proven to ensure that AED units are kept safe and ready for use.

Statpacks AED Backpack

The Statpacks QuickLook (AEDTeam.com, $195) is built to accommodate most Automated External Defibrillators for instant access. The pack features a unique design which includes a single-buckle AED pocket with quick access to the defibrillator, a clear durable urethane window which allows quick view of AED status, and a main compartment with three removable stick-in-place pouches for first aid supplies. A tarpaulin bottom panel provides protection from abrasion and the elements and foam molded shoulder straps allow for comfortable transport of most emergency medical equipment. Available in red, blue, and black.

Statpacks AED Backpack – $195 at AEDTeam.com

CE-TEK All Weather AED Enclosure

CE-TEK All Weather AED Enclosure – $850 at AEDTeam.com

The CE-TEK All Weather AED Enclosure (AEDTeam.com, $1195) protects AEDs from direct sunlight, cold temperatures, moisture, dust, tamper, and theft while ensuring 24/7 Public Access to Defibrillation.  Manufactured in the UK from durable polycarbonate, the CE-TEK All Weather AED Enclosure boasts an IP-66 rating against dust and water intrusion. A thermostat controlled heater inside the enclosure ensures that AED pads and emergency medication remain at safe operating temperatures regardless of the environment outside.

To access lifesaving equipment, bystanders call 911 to receive the access code to open the enclosure. Unlocked enclosures are also available.

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