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Daycare Center CPR and First Aid Requirements for Maine

Entrusting the care of your child/children to others, especially people who are essentially strangers, can be an anxiety laden experience.  Like any good parent, the desire to know “the essentials” is something that it all boils down to.  Is that company or location prepared for any emergencies that might occur?  What training does each of the location’s staff have to cope with situations that may require medical care?  Is there an AED on site?  Is it easily accessible?  How many are there? 

Think about it, wouldn’t you want everyone (management & staff) to have verifiable proof that they’ve been trained on the basic policies & procedures of the location that’s caring for your kids?1  Is an “incident” something specific or a noteworthy occurrence meeting certain criteria.  The latter is the State of Maine’s definition.

Main Department of Health & Human Services

In the state of Maine, these matters fall under the auspices of the Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Child & Family Services.2 Specifically, The Child Care Facility Licensing Rule governs the licensing of Child Care Facilities in the State of Maine, including Child Care Centers, Nursery Schools, Small Child Care Facilities, and Other Programs, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Children served.3

Important Terms

Many states have specific definitions regarding certain common terms.  Maine is no different.  Some important highlights are:

Child/Children– a person(s) under the age of 13 and Child Care Facilities are rather widely described as including: child care centers, nursery schools, small child care facilities and specific other programs.3 Specifically excluded are Family Child Care Providers & certain recreational overnight camps. 

Child Care Staff Members include those employed by a Child Care Facility for compensation, including an owner, a contract employee or self-employed individual; or (2) Whose activities involve the care or supervision of Children for a Child Care Facility or unsupervised access to Children who are cared for or supervised by a Child Care Facility.4

Child care staff members that work independently or in a non-supervised role must be at least 18 years of age & meet certain educational requirements.  Depending on the number of children the facility is licensed for, it must have on staff someone that holds a current certification in adult and pediatric first aid and CPR.  This can be a primary caregiver, director, or lead teacher.  These persons must be able to recognize situations involving Immediate Danger & Immediate Jeopardy.  These are defined by the state as non-compliance that has caused, or is likely to cause, harm or impairment vs serious injury or death of a child respectively.

First Aid Kit

The Child Care Facility must also have a first aid kit and a current first aid manual. The first aid kit must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, be stored in an easily accessible, designated location known to all Child Care Staff Members and be kept out of the reach of children.4  The specific contents of which are subject to additional requirements as well.


  1. Roberts, C. (2021, September 23). Daycare Center CPR & First Aid Requirements for Georgia. Code One Training Solutions, LLC. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from https://code1web.com/learning-center/daycare-center-cpr-first-aid-requirements-for-georgia/
  2. State of Maine. (n.d.). Child Care Provider Licensing | Department of Health and Human Services. Maine DHHS. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/provider-resources/child-care-licensing/becoming-a-childcare-provider
  3. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child and Family Services CHILD CARE FACILITY LICENSING RULE. (2021, September 27). State of Maine, DHHS. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/sites/maine.gov.dhhs/files/inline-files/10-148%20Ch.%2032%20Child%20Care%20Facility%20Licensing%20Rule%20Effective%209-27-21.pdf
  4. Health & Welfare (Child Care Facilities), 22 M.R.S. §8301. http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/22/title22sec8301-a.html
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