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Daycare Center CPR & First Aid Requirements for Georgia

If you’re going to entrust the care of your child/children to others, naturally one of the things you’ll want to know is if that organization is prepared for any emergencies that might occur. 

What training does each of the day care center staff have to cope with situations that may require medical care?  Is there an AED on site?  Is it easily accessible?  How many are there?  Think about it, wouldn’t you want everyone (management & staff) to have verifiable proof that they’ve been trained on the basic policies & procedures of the location that’s caring for your kids?

In the state of Georgia, personnel who work in daycare centers are generally classified into two titles- New Family Child Care Learning Home (FCCLH) Providers and Child Care Learning Center (CCLC) Directors.  Both have a requirement for a License Orientation Meeting prior to applying for a license. 

In addition, an Initial Program Orientation (specific to individual program operations) must be obtained before beginning to work in a program.1  Certain individuals must also first have an appropriate education credential.  After that, 20 hours of pre-service training is required before you can even apply for a license.   

Health & Safety

Ten hours of Health & Safety Orientation Training has to be taken which has to be obtained with the following general guidelines:

1. Approved by the state

2. Obtained within the first 90 days of licensure/employment. 

Topics specifically required include: prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization); prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions; and recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect; and child development.1 

First Aid & CPR training is required within the first 90 days of employment & doesn’t count toward the 10-hour requirement.

This is required for both FCCLH and CCLC Directors as well as all FCCLH & CCLC staff who provide direct care.  There must always be a staff person present in the CCLC or FCCLH with the children that holds a valid and current certification in CPR and First Aid.  The training for which must deal with the provision of emergency care to infants and children.  At least fifty percent (50%) of the caregiver staff shall have completed such training.3

Georgia defines direct care providers as lead teachers, assistant teachers, substitutes, family childcare helpers, staff involved with transportation, etc.  Staff that don’t provide direct care could be assistant directors, cooks, administrative staff, or maintenance and housekeeping staff; however, if any of these employees provide direct care to children at any time, they must obtain the required Health & Safety Orientation Training, as well as valid and current CPR & First Aid Training prior to providing care.2

The director needs to have CPR training at least every two years & first aid training at least every 3 years.3  Certain requirements which are stricter may exist in specific facilities as well.  If you’re the parent/guardian always ask questions until you are satisfied that your child(ren) will be safe in someone else’s care.


Our recommended course for Daycare Center CPR & First Aid requirements in Georgia is the Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED course.

BEACON Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED – Participants complete the Online Heartsaver course at home and then come to a Code One Training Center location for an independent skills verification on the innovative RQI 1Stop® platform.

Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED | Live Instructor – This is the same course, but you’ll complete it live online with a Code One Instructor, then schedule an individual skills appointment.


  1. Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. (2019). Required Training Frequently Asked Questions & Clarifications.
  1. Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. (2019, October 1). Training Requirements. Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning/Childcare Services/Training Requirements.

3. Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 591–1-1-.01). (2020, October 1).

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