CPR Resource Center
The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
Updated March 14, 2022
Each passing day gets us one day closer to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. At Code One, we are not letting our guard down. We continue to follow numerous precautions to keep you safe while attending our training programs.
Most Safe: BEACON by Code One is a hybrid training option which combines the American Heart Association‘s online training portfolio with an individual skill appointment at a Code One Training Center. Our Training Rooms are equipped with video conferencing and computerized manikins which provide instant feedback on CPR skills – this allows you to be the only person in the training room for your session. Your instructor will be connected by video conference throughout your session and will guide you through skills.
All learners are instructed to disinfect equipment at the start and end of their session. Gloves and hand sanitizer are available at each location.
Safe: Instructor-led training is available at several Code One Training Centers. We have modified our instructor-led training programs to limit the number of learners per class to reduce class time and ensure safe distancing. Training has been modified so that each learner has their own manikins. Mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-mask rescue breathing is simulated. A disinfection of manikins and frequently touched surfaces is conducted before and after each class.
Emergency Medical Technician: EMT programs have fully returned to the classroom. Skill lab sessions have been modified to limit interpersonal contact and routine disinfection of equipment and frequently touched surfaces is performed. More information on EMT courses.
NREMT Recertification: Code One has partnered with Prodigy EMS to provide a high-quality and convenient solution for online NREMT recertification training at the EMR, EMT, Advanced EMT, and Paramedic levels. EMS continuing education is completed online through Prodigy’s online learning platform with distributive (F3 – prerecorded content that can be completed anytime) and live courses (F5 – scheduled virtual instructor led training). The NREMT suspended the limit on distributive hours for EMS providers who will have certification expiring March 31, 2022 so all continuing education can be completed through on-demand training. – More information here.
Practical Examinations & NREMT Testing: Connecticut practical examinations are offered routinely at our East Hartford training center. Code One has implemented staggered exam appointments to reduce candidates in staging areas, adequate spacing to promote social distancing, COVID-19 screening for candidates, and routine cleaning of equipment and frequently touched surfaces. More information here.
Many of our training programs, such as Medication Administration for Childcare Providers, Mental Health First Aid, and Advanced ECG & Pharmacology have been migrated to an online, virtual instructor-led format. Course format information is available on each page.
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