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The most comprehensive library of emergency training resources — including videos, articles, downloads, and more.
April 1, ironically, is a day of regret for EMS providers who foolishly let their NREMT certification expire.
Fortunately, the NREMT expiration date is not a career ender but it will take some extra time (and cost) to get your NREMT certification renewed. We’ve outlined the process to make it as easy and understandable to get your expired NREMT back.
The key indicator for renewing late versus re-entry into the NREMT is when you’ve completed your Continuing Education (CE) credits. The NREMT requires that EMS providers complete their CE during the two year span in which they are certified.
If all CE hours are completed by March 31, the EMS provider can submit their renewal application late and get their new certification without doing anything extra. The renewal application needs to be submitted by April 30 and there is a $50 late application fee on top of the standard fee.
If your CE hours were not completed prior to March 31 or you wait beyond April 30 to submit your renewal application, you’ll be looking at the re-entry process.
NREMT Re-entry requires that the EMS provider complete the standard CE hours (any hours completed during the period you were certified will still count as long as they were done in the last two years), obtain a BLS Provider certificate, complete the cognitive exam at a Pearson Vue testing center, and complete a state or NREMT approved psychomotor exam.
Unfortunately EMR level providers are not eligible for re-entry and need to repeat the initial EMR course if their NREMT and state certifications expire. If an EMR has a current state certification, they can apply for NREMT EMR certification in a similar way to the re-entry process.
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